Legal information about flying multicopter drone UAV in different countries comercially.
This list does not directly include information about the hobbiest flyer, but the listed sources can be used to find these information also pretty easy.
Most of the sources come in the countries native language. But Google translate will be able to translate the content to let you know what its all about.
It seems there is no collection about the legal situation in different countries.
I travel a lot, so I need this hard to come by information for flying, filming multicopters in various locations.
The information bellow is a collection of sources found on the internet. They might not be 100% correct. But I do my best to get the correct informations as I need them my self anyway.
I’m not liabil for the accuracy and completeness of information provided on this page.
So don’t call me if you get in troubles 😉
You should also check the supplied sources regulary as many countries are in the process of changing the laws due of the massive increase of small drones like DJI Phantoms.
So here is what I have found so far.
I’ll update this site whenever I’ve got some more informations to share.
It would be great if you could share some Information that is not listed here yet.
(last edit Feb 10, 2014)
Since 1.1.2014 the Austrians got strict laws about flying multicopters. The law distinguishes areas in 4 different zones. Open nature space, Space with few buildings like farm buildings, areas with a few buildings like houses and last but not least areas with a lot of buildings like cities.
Each area has different legal requirements. This includes takeoff weight, legal aproval and for the last two zones a license to fly plus a official license for the multicopter by it self. The multicopter needs to have redudant electronics. This means stuff like automatic failover to a second flight control. To get this license you will need some Austrian flight law training plus a certification of your model and every part that is being used.
Writting all facts down would be to much. Cost to get certified (including legal training) is about €1000. There is a official website containing all the needed information for the whole legalization process. The content is only available in German language.
Informational Video on the new laws
(last edit Feb 25, 2015, source reddit)
- The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
- CASA permits commercial use of RC craft if you hold your UAS OC licence.
- Such a licence requires certification in flight such as your instrumentation certificate. Most UAS OC holders have their PPL or CPL (or the theory of it).
- General requirements include a medical cert, high value public liability insurance and the other pilots certifications as above. Also requires documentation regarding your safety practices, business model, maintenance/repair guides. Additionally, there is a airworthiness inspection/demonstration and proof (logbook) of flight experience above 5 hours.
- There are fees associated with obtaining and maintaining the licence, and the process can cost anywhere from $8-10k AUD when done properly. If you require retests or resubmissions it all costs extra.
Until CASA finalise any new rulesets the CASR Part 101 apply. Of most notable interest:
AC 101-3(0) 7.2.1 – Unless approval has been obtained beforehand, model aircraft should only be flown: (a) when the weather is suitable;
(b) clear of the movement areas or runways of an aerodrome;
(c) below 400ft above ground level unless:
(i) clear of controlled airspace, and
(ii)further than 3 nautical miles from any aerodrome:
(d) within sight of the operator at all times;
(e) well clear of populous areas;
(f) at least 30m clear of persons, vessels, vehicles or structures. This can be reduced for persons behind the direction of take off. Other model operators and any assistants or officials may be within this distance; as may vessels, vehicles or structures under their control.
- For hobby use,
Please see the ACMA documentation for a thorough explanation. Please consult for maximum power output laws.
- Most parts of the ISM Bands are free to use as per normal ACMA guidelines.
- 915Mhz can be used for telemetry only.
- 1.3Ghz is illegal.
- 2.4Ghz is used for control, 5.8 for video.
Also reminding that a ham radio licence will allow additional power output in certain parts of the spectrum, but IS NOT for commercial use.
Helpful links:
CASA UAV Page – Includes 101 and other useful documentation CASR 101 is set to be replaced by CASR 102 in the future, in order to help regulate the new trends of micro UAVs such as our multicopters.
(last edit March 17, 2014)
General recommendations and references
(last edit Aug. 19, 2014)
Unconfirmed user information from the Internet (last edit Jan 9, 2014)
As of now there its forbinden to fly multicopters / drones commercialy within the Brazil.
The ANAC is working on to build a brazilian legislation which will allow a legal certification. Maybe we will see a first rules at ending 2014. From now (ANAC & MD) allow only:
1- After request maybe allow only a experimental flights. (not for commercial purposes)
2- Should be done in distant places far from populated areas.
3- Flights BVR (FPV only) is forbidden.
4- The operation of model aircraft is forbidden near Airports and Military Instalations.
5- Drones will confiscated immediately by customs agents on border checks. You can buy them locally (at a premium albeit), and use them without much practical issue, but customs is confiscating them willy nilly… (allegation is that its a radio transmission device which has not been certified by the equivalent of the local FCC
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
If you are flying your multicopter for recreational use then it is considered a model aircraft and should be flown under all model aircraft laws, regulations, and rules. Most of these rules and regulations can be found on the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada website here. Insurance can also be purchased with membership(recommended).
How unmanned air vehicles are different from model aircraft?
“Model aircraft” means an aircraft, the total weight of which does not exceed 35 kg (77.2 pounds), that is mechanically driven or launched into flight for recreational purposes and that is not designed to carry persons or other living creatures. Although some micro unmanned air vehicles may weigh less than 35 kg, they are operated by research institutions and other organizations for non-recreational purposes.
Information on Privacy and Drones by the Privacy Commissioner’s office can be found here.
If you are flying the aircraft for commercial purposes or making any money from it or using it as promotion for you business then it is not considered a “model aircraft”. If you wish to fly your UAV you need to create an SFOC (Special Flight Operations Certificate) and submit it to your local Transport Canada office. Currently (Oct 2014) turnaround for SFOC’s is ~3 months. Information about SFOCs and flying UAVs can be found on transport Canada’s website:
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
The only information I’ve got yet is regarding Shanghai, where you can’t fly any uav by a mayor ordonnance.
Czech Republic
(last edit Feb 17, 2014)
Non commercial use seems ok. For commercial use you have to be licenced by CAA (UCL) and need to be insured. Your UAV needs to be certified, each pilot hes to be certified. It takes 4-6 months to get the certification. Certification from other countries are not accepted.
Two weight category up to 7kg (you set safe distance from people and properties), 7-20kg no closer then 150m from people and properties. No flying in towns, over people and properties. You can fly over people only if under your control. Only visual VLOS, no FPV, no GPS map flying.
Legal information (Czech language)
(last edit Feb 25, 2015, source reddit)
You can read the current rules on RC flight here: Bestemmelser for Civil Luftfart (danish)
Safety distances
- Minimum distance to public road or buildings is 150m.
- Max flying height is 100m above terrain.
- At least 5km to public airfield (8km if military installation)
- No flying over populated areas, or areas where a lot of people is gathered (festivals etc)
- Aircrafts (helicopters, etc) weighing 7kg or less (in total, battery and payload included) can be flown without a license.
- You must follow Lov om radiofrekvenser at all times.
- In short, stick to 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz
- Only allowed with spotter. (you must maintain visual contact with the drone at all times)
Here is everything you need to know about commercial flying: Erhvervsmæssig mv. brug af ubemandede luftfartøjer (UAS/RPAS) i Danmark
You are liable for any damage caused by your RC craft. note: your regular insurance (ansvarsforsikring) will most likely NOT cover any damage caused by your craft. You get cheap insurance through you membership of the organization “Modelflyvning Danmark”, so for hobbyist, this is the way to go. If you fly commercial you should get insurance from an insurance agency specialicing in aviation.
Helpful links
(last edit Feb 25, 2015, source reddit)
- The Estonian Civil Aviation Administration (ECAA).
- As of October 2014, flying UAVs without a license is only allowed in uncontrolled airspace below 500ft (~150m) AGL.
- Flying above 500ft or in controlled airspace (no matter at what altitude) requires a license from the ECAA. One can apply for that by filling a form and sending it to the ECAA at least seven days in advance providing, amongst other things, a specific time and location of the flight as well as contact information.
- Flying in controlled airspace may or may not require constant contact with and clearance from an ATC, depending on the airspace class. The country’s largest airport in Tallinn, for example, being in a class C area, requires RCs (incl multicopters) to have ATC contact (legally even when you’re 10km away form the airport and not flying higher than two meters…).
- Flying without a license is prohibited in the controlled airspace of Tallinn Airport, in a radius of 30km around the Ülenurme airfield in Tartu and in the near proximity of other airfields.
- ?
- Anyone controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle is considered a pilot, whether they’re flying a $10 toy, a multirotor or large drones.
- Damage to property by a multirotor (and other RCs..?) can be fined with up to 800 euros.
- Injury caused by RCs may be fined with up to 1200 euros.
Helpful links:
- Map of the Estonian airspace. Controlled airspace is represented by a faint blue area with a dashed dark blue border. (large-ish pdf; you have to let it load a bit before seeing the airspace markings)
- Some more details here (in Estonian)
(NOTE: some information here is from memory, so some facts may be incorrect.)
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
To fly comemrcialy you’ll need to be a domicile French operator that ownes a a pilot license (theoretical part only): Private Pilot (PPL) pilot glider or microlight.
The french law defines 7 different categories for different aircrafts and distinguishes areas additionaly in 4 different zones. You’ll need different flight aprovals like a authorization prior each flight szenario.
Details can be found on following website (french language)
(last edit Feb 12, 2014)
Multicopters need to be lighter then 25kg. If it is heavier it needs a special permit. The usual rules like no flights over people, street etc apply. Every “commercial” flight needs pre ordered aproval from the local aviation authority. There is no global authority for the whole country.
Even within a single state ist possible to have different authorities. The flight request needs to include informations like a copy of a valid insurance, reason for flight, date, time and launch location etc. The local police should be informed prior the flight to avaoid problems. A official quick summary is available in German language.
BMVBS Kurzinformation unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme
Great Site with lots of usefull information(German language)
(last edit March 17, 2014)
Ministerial Decision ΓΔΑΠΚ/ΔΜΕΕΠ/Γ2/Φ51-52-54/81397/2199
(last edit March 12, 2014)
The law obliges owners to certify their UAVs and the pilots
(last edit March 17, 2014)
Irish Aviation Authority – Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Irish Airspace
(last edit Feb 25, 2015, source: reddit)
/u/andersonsjanis wrote in the discussion his knowledge of the Latvian ‘ruleset’. A small synopsis follows:
- There are a strict set of laws concerning RC aircraft for recreational purposes or competitions. However, these laws were written back in 2006, with large gas RC planes in mind.
- Because this is a small post-soviet country, there is no enforcement.
- Police have agreed to allow filming from multirotors as long as we don’t fly directly above people.
- Theres only a dozen of companies that fly multirotors commercially in my country, so if any of them were to do something reckless or dangerous, police would take up the fight with them personally.
- Theres no need for laws if theres so few people flying multirotors.
- Long range FPVers is different. Because there is a single commercial airport in the country and a few small private ones, FPV pilots try to communicate with the real airplanes over radio.
(last edit July 30, 2015)
You’ll need a flight permission if you want to fly a drone above 2kg and or you want to fly for commercial use. There are also limitations in flight height etc.
Bellow you’ll find some links to french language documents explaining the law plus one to order a flight permission.
For further information’s please contact the Luxembourg air authorities
Direction de l´aviation civile (DAC)
4,rue Lou Hemmer
L-1748 Luxemburg
Tel:*352 247 74900
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
Unconfirmed information:
Multicopters that are bought within Morocco don’t have any regulations and are ok.
But you are not allowed to import your own one.
(last edit Feb 19, 2014)
In Norway you must obtain two permits to fly commercially:
1) Aerial photography permit from The National Security Authority
2) RPAS lisence from the Norwegian CAA (Will take aprox. 6 month to get an answer). For the RPAS licence you will also have to make a manual for how you will operate.. Someone whose applying right wrote a 72+ pages manual.
ALL aerial photo or filming requires Aerial photography permit from The National Security Authority (NSM)
There are NO EXCEPTION from this rule. it applies to non comercial to.
FPV is allowed, if you have a spotter, and you fly LOS. For insurance reasons. As you can guess, most of the FPV community don’t follow this rule.
Frequencies: In short. 2.4ghz and 5.8ghz is open and free to use.
1.2/1.3 GHz you need to take a amateur radio operator license (HAM). 433mhz is also open for use with HAM.
The old 35mhz is also free to use. 72mhz is not.
900 MHz if caught could end up with big fines and possible prison. Mobilephone frequencies.
Norwegian information:
(last edit March 27, 2015)
Its not allowed to bring your own drone along. If customs / boarder control find it, they will confiscate it.
There is one drone dealer in the capitol city Lima who sells Phantoms. Bigger drones are really gard to get.
CBS had a shoot in Peru with permissions for every flight. But you should be able to fly without any permissions.
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
Unconfirmed Information:
It seems the only restriction yet is to fly bellow 500m. Probably the usual laws about distances to airports, military etc. applies too.
(last edit Jan 28,2014)
As of Jan 21. Romania changed their law. As far as my understanding goes you are still able to fly a sub 1kg. multicopter without a attached camera in wide open nature space.
But as soon as you attach a camer you’ll need some kind of certification.
Here’s a article about it (Romanian language)
You also will want to check the official law site.
South Africa
(last edit Feb 25,2015, source: reddit)
On 20th March 2014 News 24 reported the “use of flying drones with mounted cameras has been banned with immediate effect in South Africa by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)” [1]. The story seemed to indicate the ban only applied to commercial services, but a Google Groups discussion mentioned: ” I just spoke to the CAA and the story is that they put out an advisory in April (most SA sites carried the news back then) which warned all UAV operators small and large that there’s no laws regulating drone use, therefore anyone who uses one without special permission is in effect breaking the law.” [2].
(last edit Feb 25,2015, source: reddit)
- The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
- The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)
- The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and, under it, the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)
- RC flight within a 5km radius of aerodomes or above 200ft AGL requires advance permission from CAAS.
- RC flight outside of this radius is generally permitted to a maximum height of 200ft AGL, subject always to landowner objections. Singapore has 5 major aerodomes, the majority of which are concentrated on the eastern half of the island.
- 26.96 – 27.28 MHz, 29.70 – 30.00 MHz, both under 500mWERP, for RC aircraft and glider models.
- Technically, the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz bands are not open for general RC use, but in practice have been used without enforcement issues.
- 1.3GHz is not open for general RC use, and has in practice resulted in enforcement action taken.
- 900MHz is not open for general RC use, and in any event is unavailable due to interference with cellular telephones.
- 433MHz is not open for general RC use, and in any case ham operators are limited to 10mWERP of output power.
- Under our existing laws, aerial photography requires CAAS permission. There is some disagreement as to whether the laws apply to RC vehicles, as they were drafted with full scale manned flight in mind, but in practice the CAAS does regard it as something requiring their permission and flying camera operators do apply for and obtain it in advance. Bear in mind that Singapore is a tiny country with a significant number of military installations squeezed in amongst the urban landscape; taking unauthorized footage of military installations can have severe consequences.
- There is currently no restriction on commercial RC activities.
Helpful links:
South Africa
(last edit Juli 30, 2015)
There has been some recent law changes valid from Juli 1st 2015.
If you fly commercially or non profit, you’ll need a licence.
The following link explains the requirements perfectly and also shows a local no fly zone map.
(last edit February 25, 2015)
After spanish Air Safety Agency (AESA) had suspended “All UAV Operations in Spanish Airspace on April 8, 2014
They opend skies up again sometime in August 14 till sometimes in Nov 14.
If you want to fly now, you and your drone will need to get certified. This includes a theoretical test, medical check, and some check/certification of your drone.
Your drone will get a serial number that hast to be put on the drone showing who’s it belongs to, manufacturer ect.
Once you got these steps mastered you’ll be able to fly away from crowds up to a height of 120m and max. 500m away. If your drone is sub 2kg then you are allowed to fly as far as you your remote works but taking care of other limitations like stying away from people.
Indoor flying is allowed without any special permission, as long as there are only a few peple areound. So a factor hall would be ok, a closed soccer stadium not.
There is some information of some more uppcomming law changes sometimes in April 2015
(last edit October 24, 2016)
The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden ruled that cameras mounted on drones require a permit under camera surveillance laws.
If you wish to use a camera drone in a public place now, you’ll need to pay a hefty fee to apply for a permit. County administrators will then decide whether your use of the “surveillance camera” provides a legitimate benefit that outweighs public privacy. If not, your request to fly will be shot down.
Basically, aerial photographers will now need to go through the same process as someone wishing to set up a surveillance camera in a public location.
(last edit July 10, 2014 “new law from August 1st 2014”)
Multicopter up to 30kg can be used commercialy without any big limitations. As of August 1st 2014 you’ll need a permit to fly above aerias with a lot of pople (concerts, publi viewings etc.) The usual media laws apply (e.g. the right to the personal image, name and personal rights) or other legal provisions.
Kantone (cantons/states) can set local laws that further limt what is allowed. Further down is a example of the city of Zürich.
General Swiss law:
More legal aspects for filming with a drone:
To order a special permit to fly over crowds you’ll find all information on following pages
Special limitations for:
(last edit March 31, 2015)
Source and Credit:
The new regulations on flying drones in Thailand are expected to be brought in during February 2015 under the Air Navigation Act. No details are known yet, but according to an article in the Bangkok Post this morning (see here), the general public will NOT be able to fly drones carrying cameras. It would seem that licenses for this will only be issued to businesses that need aerial photographs for their work, the mass media and film-makers. As a travel blogger I am not sure if I fit into this category but I will certainly try. Other restrictions expected to come in include flight height limits of between 15 and 150 meters, size and weight of drones, and the length of time they can fly. Nothing is set yet, but the BP is saying that you could face one year in prison and a fine of 40,000 Baht if you fly your drone illegally in Thailand.
The Netherlands
(last edit Sept 9, 2015)
It seems the dutch goverment has changed a lot lately. As far as we know you don’t need a license anymore, to fly a drone with a camera attched.
Most places, which were no fly zones, are open again. But check the local authorities, as they can set local no fly zones any time.
If you want to fly within Amsterdam you’ll need a special permit.
Check ILT or ILENT authority for latest and detailed changes
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
Pilot needs to be certified. Costs about £1800 to license.
I have not looked into the Details yet. But Information can be found at
(last edit Jan 9, 2014)
As of now there its forbinden to fly multicopters / drones commercialy within the USA.
The FAA is working on some laws which will allow a legal certification. Maybe we will see a change in 2014 or 2015
There’s a nice map showing no fly zones.
As of now there its forbinden to fly multicopters / drones commercialy within the Brazil.
The ANAC is working on to build a brazilian legislation which will allow a legal certification. Maybe we will see a first rules at ending 2014. From now (ANAC & MD) allow only:
1- After request maybe allow only a experimental flights. (not for commercial purposes)
2- Should be done in distant places far from populated areas.
3- Flights BVR (FPV only) is forbidden.
4- The operation of model aircraft is forbidden near Airports and Military Instalations.
Thank you for the input ! Do you have any link to the ANAC or any other website legal information gets published? That would be rally helpfull too.
New rules in Italy.
The law obliges owners to certify their UAVs and the pilots
Thank you very much for the usefull input !
[…] waarin te zien is welke wet- & regelgeving geldt in een aantal landen in het buitenland. Legal information flying multicopter drone UAV in different countries Groet Norbert __________________ DJI F550 + Zenmuse H3-2D + Naza V2 + MX-16 Hott (for fun) | […]
Auf der Suche nach Aufstiegsgenehmigungen in Spanien bin ich auf diese Seit gestoßen: eventuell schon bekannt?!
Ich habe einen Auftrag im Juni für Mallorca und Ibiza und habe bisher nicht viel zu den Gesetzen in Spanien lesen können, bis auf deine Umfangreiche Seite hier.
Now in spain it’s absolutely forbiden to fly. except in the designated areas for flying (federated flieds)
in spanish:
They will provably do a new one at the end to the summer to regulat them
[…] in the hemisphere. Only Brazil, Canada, and the United States have adopted basic legislation, but such legislation focuses mainly on civilian use of drone usage: issues of airspace control, commercial uses, safety, […]
I just found some more info on Australian UAV regulations
sorry… here the site… my name is tno my site.
[…] Un résumé de la legislation dans divers pays du monde : […]
Very nice and useful compilation, thanks.
Last french regulation (11May2014) is commented and linkable here:
Thanks for the input Bruno. But I can’t get to the content as its password protected.
Can you wrap up the latest changes or send me a link to a source that is availabel to public?
[…] countries you can still fly in places with people if you raise the security on your multicopter (check my legal blog with a collection of world wide restrictions). So the new rescue system of Opale might just be what will help you to be able to fly where you […]
Thanks for posting this information
We’re launching a “TripAdvisor” for UAV/drone travel and would be very grateful if you could share your travel and flying experiences:
Thanks again!
Forget about taking any drone into Brasil. They are expressly being sought after and confiscated immediately by customs agents.
You can buy them locally (at a premium albeit), and use them without much practical issue, but customs is confiscating them willy nilly… (allegation is that its a radio transmission device which has not been certified by the equivalent of the local FCC… nonetheless, you can bring a laptop which hasnt been certified to work, or a remote control, but drones…welll,,,,theyve decided drones are especially evil! LOL)
Thank you very much. Will include your information shortly.
[…] The List […]
Does anybody have some information about the rules in Slovenia?
Thanks! 🙂
[…] Zwingend sollte man sich jedoch vor dem Start mit den Manual und den lokalen Gesetzen auseinander setzten. Gesetzlich gibt es je nach Land von gar keinen Auflagen bis hin zu einer benötigten Fluglizenz alle Anforderungen. Weitere Infos zu gesetzlichen Regelung habe ich in einem separaten, rechtlichen Blog beschrieben. […]
I am going to Brazil on December 29. Are light multi-copters still being confiscated at customs?
Does anybody have some information about the rules in Indonesia?
Sorry for the late response (I was on vacation 😉 )
Sadly I don’t have any information on Indonesia yet. But It would be cool if you could share any information you’ll find 🙂
Hey if you want to send me an email I can update you with what is going on in Malta 🙂
Sure, that would be great for everyone.
Ein Interessanter Link zur Lage in Spanien
[…] […]
can somebody help me with information about flying with drone in Malta?
Any information on Malaysia?
Not yet, but let me know if you find any information 😉
Any updates for Thailand? Can I bring my drone into the country if I’m holidaying then traveling on to another country?
Sorry, no news yet. But please let me know when you goz informations to share and i’l post it on the site for others to see.
Hi alltogether,
Some updates for Germany. In every German state you need a new permission. Under 5kg you need general permission. This one costs around 200 Euros for 2 years. If you are above 5 kg you need a single permit for each day, costing around 100 Euros a day.
And one question:
How is the situation in Finnland?
Hello Harry
This is actually no news. This is how it works since a few years. No commercial flying without a licence.
can somebody help me with information about flying with drone in Chili?
Anyone have any info on commercial flying in Switzerland?
Cheers guys,
Its already in the alphabetical list 😉
Thank you very much for the extremely useful information. I have got my UK CAA license, but am looking at using the UAV’s in other countries.
Anyone have update on Philippines? please..
planning trip this xmas..
want to take drone just for video in secluded places..
Permit not needed anymore for The Netherlands:
hello all
does any one know about the rules in slovenia for commercial use?
someone has notices about rules in Zambia? not commercial the wild only
does anyone know what is the rules about operate a commercial use in Switzerland ?
or to get some useful like about it
tnks a lot
Sweden detailer rules: